Sunday, January 1, 2012

Touchdown Sannnnn Diegoooo

(The title of this blog is dedicated to my mate Hayden. Must be said out loud in a big sports announcers voice)

After a short stopover in Houston to change aeroplanes, we finally landed on the other side of the United States of America in San Diego. Flying into the city we were amazed at how beautiful the lights were. It was very festive and felt like we were landing right on top of the Osborne Family Light Show again. We actually arrived quite late and by the time we found a wheelchair accessible shuttle to take us to a hotel it was already 11 pm. Unfortunately the driver of the shuttle thought we might like a guided tour on the way and was driving like it was a lazy Sunday afternoon, when all we really want to do was dump our bags and lay our heads down to sleep after six long days at Disney World. We checked in and then I really can't remember much else after that as we were both so tired, but what I do remember is how herculean Mel was to lug our bags, my backside and a struggling pooch into the room.

It is a shock though going from the type of service and facilities that Disney offers, even to a four star quite reputable hotel like the Sofia. There is no comparison though, as nice as the Sofia was.

The following two days we went to the famous San Diego Zoo and Sea World, home of the killer whale, Shamu. We have written two other blogs about them following this one.

On our third and last day we did a San Diego city tour on a trolley bus which was a lot of fun and a great way to see the area. There is a lot of history in this city and I never knew how close it was to the Mexican border. Only 17 km from downtown to the border. It was also the first city visited by the Europeans back in the 1500's and because of this it has such a rich Spanish feel about it. This isn't a history lesson blog, but you do learn some great things on these types of tours. The other interesting fact about San Diego was its long association with the US Navy, and evidence of this is all around the harbour. It houses the largest naval fleet in the world including the giant Nimitz Supercarrier, the USS Carl Vinson, upon which the corpse of Osama Bin Laden was disposed of from the deck .... or was it??? ... We even saw some Navy Seals being trained out on the San Diego River.

San Diego has also had its fair share of movies filmed around the city as well. We were quite excited when we were taken past the Kansas City Barbecue where Maverick and Goose sang " You've Lost That Loving Feeling" and " Great Balls of Fire" (thought of you Uncle Rick).

We did take footage of this tour, but unfortunately there was a fault with the disc and I can't upload it to edit it yet. Admittedly my filming from the trolley was pretty shaky anyway, so I've probably saved you some sea sickness.

Our highlights here were the Zoo and Seaworld anyway so enjoy the following entries.

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