Sunday, January 1, 2012


Seaworld, San Diego has everything to offer in the way of water sports and animals. I remember the days when you would go to a marine park such as this and see the dolphins and seals having to be puppets in the shows, well I think now with animal rights becoming more passionate and demanding, these types of parks do have to play it safe, not to mention the recent deaths of trainers we have all read about.

This park had it's classic exhibits, seals, dolphins, sharks, turtles and fish. The difference with this park is that each show was incredible and worth the very expensive entry fee. But what we were really here to see was the Orca show. Having never seen a killer whale in person we were amped. The trainers no longer enter the water with these animals, instead you get to see them behave much more similar to the way they would in their natural habitat. Except for a couple of little tricks. We were told even when the orca's first arrive to the park they get to choose whether they want to learn the skills, train and perform and if they don't, the staff don't push it. Check out the filming Tim did below.

Afterwards we headed to the underwater viewing area and the most amazing thing happened. One of the Orca's starting swimming around, being its usual inquisitive self and spotted Roxy. Well this whale came nose to nose with Roxy and starred at her for so long, then would swim off and around the pool, only to come back to Roxy. Roxy initially intrigued with this giant being, soon realized its magnitude and quickly turned around trying to ignore this phenomenal orca right behind her. Check out the photos.
Don't look behind you Rox!

We have also included some of the photos from the other exhibits.

The Dolphin and Birds of Prey show

They had this one very cool exhibit which allowed you to feed the seals. You have to be careful though as they get very aggressive when they are fighting for your fish! Roxy's nose was going a million miles an hour as they smell of the fish mixed with the smell of the seals was enticing to her. Here are the cheeky seals.

The Sealion and Otter show

The beautiful and very large Polar Bears.

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