Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

While Jason was here we decided to prepare for Halloween and carve ourselves some pumpkins as it is a huge tradition over here. Every second house already has pumpkins out on the front porch ready to carve and light up for October 31st.

It was actually quite gross and even though I wasn't doing the handiwork it just didn't look right.

Eeeeewwwwww, pumpkin inards.

The finished products came out better than we both expected, seeing as neither of us had done this in the past and were pretty much making it up as we went along.

Jack o Lantern                                      Jase o Lantern

They really do look quite scary. The photo above on the left was taken even without a candle lit inside, it's just the sunlight coming through.


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