Sunday, October 24, 2010

Medieval Times

Ever since we have been here in Toronto we have seen on television some advertising for a dinner and show at a local castle called Medieval Times. It looked like a lot of fun and we were waiting for the right moment to be able to go and experience it. Jason Chitty, a friend of mine from way back, was coming to visit from London UK and stay with us for a week so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to have a knight out and share in the chivalry, rivalry and revelry. We thought we would complete our round table and invite Lawry, our Australian friend who we met on grand final knight.

Now as you can see from the pictured above, yes that is a costume crown that I am wearing! I love a dress up opportunity. How could I not come to a themed restaurant and not partake in the wearing of appropriate attire. One of my carers lent me this crown and I promised him I would wear it from the minute I walked in the door to the moment we left. And I did.

We entered the castle and were immediately escorted into what can only be described as 'ye old medieval merchandise city'. This area was a massive front of house foyer where you had the opportunity to take photos and buy absolutely everything Medieval. As you can see from the pictures below I grabbed every opportunity to pose beside a character. The King was very jealous of the size of my crown!

Lawry was very impressed with a sword selection and couldn't wait to get hands on a Sir Galahad original! Somehow I think she would have a problem getting it through customs on the way home.

Soon the town crier made the announcement for us all to move in to the main auditorium where we were seated in sections according to the coat of arms we were assigned to. We were to cheer on the Green Knight who is described as 'The warrior of Asturius. An unquestioned master of weapons. Don Temple has never been unhorsed in the joust. No mantle of peace or of serenity will ever grace his shoulders, for his temper is the dragon's claw.' We sensed he was going to be the bad guy and was quite excited about cheering for the dark horse.

Everything was very well set up in accordance with the Middle Ages style. To our right was the throne of King Philippe and his daughter-in-law, Princess Leonore. We presided over a four-course feast while below, we were transported to faraway lands including a romantic snowy rendezvous in the woods and an authentic medieval tournament for the Battle of Champions - with the help of Hollywood-caliber special effects, of course.

No knives and forks here. Just grab your food, rip it apart and eat like a barbarian!

Our meal consisted of some garlic bread, tomato bisque soup, oven-roasted chicken, spare rib and baked Potatoes. A meal fit for a king, if he could keep it in his mouth. No, actally that was just me and my Silence of the Lambs impersonation.

Below are some pictures of the tournament and show. Our Green Knight lived up to the reputation of being the bad boy and was about to spoil the party, take over the kingdom and steal the Princess, until of course the predictable happy ending occurred where the prince returned home and saved the day. Aaawww.

If anyone remembers the movie 'The Cable Guy' with Jim Carey, you may remember a funny scene where him and Matthew Broderick go to a similar themed restaurant. Well this is the same one! And I couldn't help but all the way through the fights yell at the top of my voice "brrrrroooooooorrrrrrr, bbbbbrroooooooorrrrr!!"
If you don't understand check this site out - 

It was a fantastic knight and we had a lot of fun. Can't wait to go back there again sometime.


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