Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Busking and the Harbour Front

Upon reflection of some of our previous posts in regards to the Toronto harbourfront, we have probably been a little bit harsh in our comments. The harbourfront is something that grows on you and every time you visit you come away having seen something new or appreciating it more for either its location or the entertainment. I still believe that they could do so much more with what they have down here, but maybe like the
Geelong waterfront, it just needs a few people to start to think outside the square and really showcase what a gem they have....
(hint hint, something still needs to be put on at Customs Place where the weather beat us earlier this year)

Mel and I have enjoyed the times we have travelled down to the harbour front, and being able to show Jason, but it has also become a great hunting ground for my busking jaunts. A profitable one too!

Below are some photos of a Saturday afternoon where I got to belt out some tunes and Mel got to snap  beautiful pictures of the harbour, Toronto Island, the skating rink, canoeing pond and the lovely people who were very generous in in their donations.

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