Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stanley Park & the Aquarium

Off to Stanley Park today, in particular, the aquarium. Mel & I love animals and couldn't wait to see the Baluga Whales that are pictured on the side of every bus in town. When we arrived we were told that a somone accompanying a personal with a disability recieved a free attendant ticket which was very generous. We didn't have to provide a companion card or anything.

We entered the aquarium just in time to see the Sealion & Seal show. As we pulled up as close to the fence as possible in the viewing area Roxy's eyes and ears pricked up once she saw the gliding marine mammals splashing & barking. They seemed to be intrigued by her too doing laps up & down the exhibit bobbing their heads up to grab a peek of her on their way past.

It was very cute watching Rox watch them. In fact, as I looked around, more people were watching Roxy's reactions than those watching the actual show. All of a sudden she became the attraction. I know Rox loves the water so my main concern was to hold the leash as tight as possible in case she decided to go & play chasey with the seals. She was great though. She had the Roxy puppy happy dance happening. Like the lizards that can't stand on all four feet at the same time. She was excited but restrained. It allowed us to be the same (minus the dance). We laughed at the Sea Lions barking which sounded vaguely like my morning burps (sorry nan) probably the same breath too (sorry again Nan. Too much I know).

The next exhibit took us by surprise. Jasper, our beautiful cat, has immigrated, change colour & become a water dwelling mammal. We came across this hilariuos Otter. So cute. He looked & acted so like Jasper we laughed & cried. He was playing on his back in the water chewing on a floaty. I'm sure we've seen Jasp do the same with his wormy or one of Mel's hair lackies.

Time for the dolphin show. Once again Roxy was in awe as the happy dance started again. We were standing right behind the dolphin trainers as they put them through their paces. One of the dolphin trainers saw Roxy and got her dolphin up onto the stage about 2 feet away from us. So close to such a beautiful animal. It looked like he was giving us a big smile and a wink just before he slid back and showed of with one of his 5 metre high triple pike sommersaults with a twist. They then waved goodbye in typical dolphin show fashion splashing their tails swimming backwards.

Downstairs then to the depths of the seas to check out the jelly fish, sea turtules and giant cod.

They had a 4D cinema experience about the depths of the ocean which was very impressive. Spray in the face, wind in the hair, vibration in the seat....well not in my wheelchair, but from the reaction of the audience probably just as well. As you can see, I tried my best Mr Magoo impersonation with the glasses.
Even Rox got in on the action!

As we were leaving the aquarium, set up out the front were all of these portrait drawers ready & waiting for the hordes of tourist passing by so Mel & I thought we would test one of their skills with a picture with all three of us. Well....he really picked us being the salesmen they are, but it was always going to be fun to see how Roxy would come up in 2B style. As Roxy was being drawn, she spotted her first squirrel. Man I wasn't ready for this. Lucky the brakes were on on the chair. She then proceed to stare in the right direction for the artist to get the best angle while her face had this perfect attentive Lab pose. He did a perfect portrait of her, Mel as well, no worries, stunningly beautiful as always. Me however. Let's just say the faces this artist was pulling while sketching me didn't give me faith I would come out looking like Matt Damon. After an hour of possing, Yul Brynner sat beside Mel & Rox in pencil perfection. A good laugh.

Mel took Roxy for a 'washroom' break (they don't say toilet here) into the woods of Stanley Park but with no success as she once again spotted a squirrel and bolted. Off like a rocket with Mel in toe. She sniffed at the holes they darted into ready to play 'whack a mole' like at timezone. But none ventured out. But then comes along the raccoons for play. Off again! In her previous life she must have been a hunting dog. ADA may have to do some training with small cute rodents before giving out the dogs I think.

By this time everyone was pooped. Ready for home. Another successful fun filled day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim, Mel and Miss Roxy,

    I guess all the training we did with the battery operated weasel tail attached to a ball just doesn't cut it!!!

    Glad to hear the flight went well and although you've had a few hiccups, it sounds like you are having a fabulous time...will continue to watch your journey as it unfolds...cheers, Louise (ADA)
