Sunday, June 13, 2010

Seattle - The Rainy Emerald City

So we arrived in Seattle about 2 hours later and we were met by another 'agent' who escorted us to Horizon Airlines that were flying us to Vancouver. We nearly missed our flight again but they held it for us which was nice.

The plane was tiny, a twin engine paper plane, and Tim had to be transferred on to the tiniest seat and for the first time in his flying life he was asked to sit by the window. Tim thought this was great as he never gets to see out the window as he normally has to sit on the aisle seat. We take off and this couple in front of us were Aussie as well (strange how you can pick the aussie's straight away - do we really sound that bad?). This couple were flying home that night and had been in Canada for 4 weeks and loved every bit!

About 30 minutes later we touched down in Vancouver, it hardly felt worth catching a plane for that small trip. Tim thought that we probably could have walked by the looks of the map. Anyway here we were finally at our destination, not the way we expected but it is all part of the adventure right?

1 comment:

  1. Aussies are like magnets. They do draw one another everywhere. Apparently we do sound that bad, but they all love it overseas I believe. A niece was asked to speak in a class just for the pleasure of hearing the accent. Who knows what they will ask you two yet.
