Sunday, June 13, 2010

Leaving Geelong

Leaving home. Such a big long build up. The packing, the organising, the tying up of all loose ends. Felt like it would never end. But all the while knowing what reward may await us the other end.

The packing up was amazing. Mel was like a cross between the Incredible Hulk & Mr Sheen. I never realised how big a task this would be. If it were also not for the amazing Swiss Army Knife team of carers, family & friends that all chipped in & helped, this could not have happened. Thanks Pip for giving us some room to store the container with literally all our earthly goods. Speaking of which. It's amazing when you pack up your whole house the week before you leave and all's you have is a spare bed, an esky, microwave & a roof over your head, you probably still have more than 80% of the rest of the world! Scary isn't it.

Anyway, we survived the last few weeks on rations & had a lovely time saying aurevoir to all our family & friends & we both thank you all for the well wishes & support.
Surprisngly both had a good sleep the night before. I thought I'd be up not able to sleep with a smile ear to ear, but I think we were both stuffed from all the last minute jobs.....well they were all mine that Mel had to finish, typical male, leaving it til the last minute, including the most important, oh yes...the VISA!
3am start. Uuurgh. Was always going to be a long day starting at that time of morning, but 35 hours later we made it to our destination only 4 hours after we left, same day. The international dateline thing is bizarre!

Melbourne to L.A was great. Qantas were brilliant. No hassels on or off, even with the some 120kg of luggage we've taken. The eagle lift that got me into the seat is fantastic. They should rename it the Kurt Fernley lift .... oh hang on a minute. Bit dissappointed we didn't get to fy on the big bird A380, was her RDO apparently, so we just got the old 747. But still loved it. We got to sit up the pointy end & watched all the othes file through to cattle class including one Brendan Cowell, so I decided to watch Beneath Hill 60 & I Love You Too (I sent a message back to him that I thoroughly enjoyed them & that he should do some more....hehe). Mel & I both took advantage of the lovely service & offerings from the crew. Food & drinks kept coming simply because we had the Roxy factor. Mel had more leg room than business class and all the movies she could desire so she was kept happy with movies and baileys.

Speaking of Rox. She was great. Slept nearly the whole way, except to chew an icy-pole the stewardess brought for her. And for those who wondered (which was all of you) she didn't end up needing to go to the toilet.Try doing that on a 15 hr flight!
We both got some shuteye, but was never a full sleep. Enough though to keep us energised & ready for the gruelling US immigration adventure to come... See you in LA.

1 comment:

  1. Oh well done both of you. You do sound organised in spite of your writing about about yourself. Did you use a pooper stopper btw for Roxy? :)love john and jenny (cattle class from the West).
