Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tim Skiing

Forget about Eddie the Eagle, we now have Timmo the Snowmo!

On Thursday I had the most amazing opportunity to attend a ski and snowboard day in the Blue Mountains which is about two hours north of Toronto. It was organised by the Canadian Paraplegic Association, of which I am starting to form a wonderful relationship with through different gigs and events. It was a corporate fundraising day where they hired out a private ski resort called Craigleath and offered supporters the opportunity to come and spend the day skiing on the beautiful slopes of the mountain. Because of the work I had been doing for the association over the last couple of months they gave me a couple of tickets to attend and I couldn't wait to get out onto the hills and ‘carve up some powder’. Unfortunately Mel was unable to come because it was midweek, but a lovely gentleman named Wayne from our church, who is an avid skier (double diamond skill level) offered to drive me up and spend the day with me.

I actually can't remember the exact age was when I last skied at Mt Buller, I think I may have been around eight. And to be honest I don't think I was very good at the skiing part, the tobogganing was much more fun. So this was going to be my first experience skiing as an adult.

I’m basically going to let the video speak for itself and there are more photos to come, but let's just say I have not been able to wipe the smile from my face since Thursday. It was the most exhilarating experience I have ever had and I rank it up there with our swim on the Great Barrier Reef. Because it was my first day I didn't set my goals too high in terms of what I would be able to achieve on the sit-ski, which is an incredible invention, but the instructors from the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiers (CADS) were absolutely amazing and guided me through everything I needed to get to a point where I could control the speed in the direction of the ski with little assistance. They were very impressed with my ability to ‘be at one with the ski’ apparently, and for a first timer they were amazed at how quickly I was able to move on to more difficult runs and manoeuvres.

I was on the slopes for a total of four hours and if it had not been the long drive home I think I would have been still doing it under lights. I was the first out onto the snowfield and the last off. I got on really well with the instructors and they loved having an Aussie that was a bit gung ho and ready to throw himself down the hill. We reached speeds of over 70 km/h which really was as exhilarating as it sounds. The fresh air whizzing past your face and the sound of the snow spray behind you as you carved up the mountainside. I didn't crash or fall over once and the best thing was, I was already sitting, so I didn't have that saw bum that every other able-bodied new skier or snowboarder has at the end of their day!

I cannot wait to do it again. I think I may even look at representing Australia at the next Winter Paralympics in the downhill ski. Watch out Sochie 2014, McMoguls is coming.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Niagara on Ice

So here we are, on our way to Niagara once again. Any one would think we love this place or something. Well to be quite honest, I could live in this region. Any time of year it just seems to be so picturesque and action packed!

I'm not sure if you all have seen the first Narnia movie or for those of you who love to read, the scene in the first Narnia chronicle that describes the snow queen's palace, well that was Niagara...a snow palace...if you can transform it in your minds. Truly spectacular and of course my photos do not do it justice.

This trip was a short one today, just to get some pics in as we had seen and heard about Niagara's beauty on ice; and this is my thing, I just love to wonder and take photos, there are things you can see through a camera lens that you can't see when you have everything else to observe, it's more personal somehow.

Then off we went to one of my tacky but favourite haunts; Planet Holleywood. I do love a good movie montage, especially the very famous 'When Harry Met Sally' moment just as you go to bite into that 1/2 pound burger, followed by a big aria sung by the none other than the brilliant Josh Groban. How can life get much better than this!

Roxy had a little play herself as the snow was quite deep down here in Niagara. Hopefully you get a gist of the action shots I took.