Monday, January 24, 2011

Crieffs Ladies Retreat

Back in October of 2010, I was invited to attend a Ladies Retreat for church. At the time I was hesitant only because I did not know many of the Ladies and all the church retreats I had been on in the past were not really my cup of tea, but I decided it would be a great way to meet some of the Ladies in the church. Plus it meant I got to see more of Ontario.

So I hitched a ride with Erica and Meg, two ladies who were roughly around the same age as me and as it turns out Meg went to Dort college in the states with a girl who was in my class at school. In fact they were room mates. What were the chances that I would meet someone that knows of friends I grew up with. It really is a small world hey, (Jeanette, it was Odette that Meg lived with).

The retreat was to be held at an Anglican campsite with 3 large dormitary blocks, each consiting of 18 bedrooms with ensuites and in house kitchenettes. Then there were separate little limestone houses that were just beautiful if you wanted to rent a family getaway house.

So I was expecting a church retreat to be full of devotional or bible studies, that sort of thing, But to my pleasant surprise it was more a time for relaxation and a real weekend away with the girls. There was wine and cheese flowing a plenty. They did have some activities planned that were optional such as an art class, a drama and acting class, skin care class and Tai Chai. I did the Tai Chi which was fun. I was planning on taking the art class but missed it because I was chatting to my husband (I have to admit I was very nervous leaving him, it was the first time we have been apart for more than a couple of hours and we don't have the alarm set up here that we are used to back home for emergencies, so as you can imagine I was a tad worried how this was going to work from a practical level) who had planned all these ventures that I was not interested in while I was away. I think all the men whose wives were at the retreat from church got together so they could spend time together as well. I did end up doing the drama class which I was not planning to, given it is not my forte, and although it was fun, it confirmed for me that I should stick to what I do best and acting is far from it. I think I will leave it to Tim and my sister-in-law Noni.

At this place they had these amazing hiking tracks, so I took a lot of time walking through these, taking photos and enjoying the nature. I came across this big cross just as the sun was setting behind it, was quite magical and my mind went to you Nan. I thought how much you would have loved it and cherished that moment. I took some photos for you, but it really did not do it justice.

I got to meet so many of the ladies from church and was able to build the beginnings of some great friendships. It was a lovely weekend and just what I needed!

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