Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas 2010

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"

Roxy of course got the most presents! 

Here we are at John and Ingrid's place, half way through the meal and feeling bloated and sick from eating way too much with the dreaded yet excited feeling that dessert was still on it's way. A lot of what we ate that day was a mix between, British & Canadian cuisine. Hence the Trifle!
Can't go past a 6 kg Turkey, brilliantly basted smothered in English bangers wrapped in Prosciutto cooked with the juices of the Big Bird.

 Here are some photos of just some of the decorations around the city.

The Christmas Tree featured first in this section, although may look like a normal christmas tree is actually covered in Swarosvky Crystals. It was the most dazzling tree I ahd ever seen. people were lining up to take photos of this tree. I however was not that patient so took a picture from upstairs.

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