Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rock on Ice - Live at the CNE

Part of the CNE was a figure skating show. Now this has always been something I have wanted to watch live after all the years of watching it at the winter olympics with my sisters and mum. It is clearly a sport loved by females as Tim wasn't all that interested at first and I remember Dad and my brother never used to stay in the room when ever us gals were watching the amazing artists on ice.

In another life I would have loved to be a figure skater, they just seem to glide and make it all look so easy. However I think my balance issues would prevent me from that dream.

This show had a slight alternative slant to it. We ended up sitting at the base of the skating rink so we were very close. They had a live band playing all classic rock tributes to bands such as U2, ACDC, Guns and Roses, Metallica and more of the popular rock bands. Each of the skaters came out and did a routine to each of the songs. Some of them were solo skaters, some of them as a group and they also had some skaters and some artists performing stunts on the ice but not on skates, using different types of apparatus'. Tim enjoyed this as it gave it more of a cirque feel.

I was hoping to see a triple axel and I was in luck. A guy came out skating to a Metallica song and I could see he was working up to do an axel of some type and then, there it was, that moment that you watch so intently that you squint your eyes and hold your breath not knowing if they will land the jump and be able to steady themselves, and then that moment of absolute silence and pause before the audience has registered that the skater has made the jump successfully and then the deafening applause. I took some video of it as a keepsake.
The photos I took of the artists during this show did not come out so clearly as they were constantly moving and fast, but hopefully, you can make it out ok.

I thought of you Mum, Jules, Karen and Christine during this show, being my fellow figure skating fans!

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