Monday, August 29, 2011


Ok, gliding speeds may not be nearly as fast as flying an F-16 jet like in the real Top Gun, but anything that involved getting into an aircraft and flying thousands of feet in the air above Ontario got me in the mood for the need for speed.

I have a friend that I have made it the Canadian Paraplegic Association who is the resource coordinator. Had also organised the ski day I went to in winter as well as the sailing opportunity a few weeks ago. But when he asked recently "do I like flying" my eyes lit up with excitement at the adventure he may be suggesting next. "Ever been gliding?" he asked.

I remember my Pa taking me to the International air show at Avalon when I was a little kid, as he had an interest in aeroplanes and flying, which he consequently passed on to my uncles and down to me. I have made many trips out to that airshow over the years since and had always wondered what it would be like to fly in the many different aircraft we saw on display. As well as the excitement and adrenaline rush from seeing the powerful jets, I've often thought how awesome it must be for gliders to be in the air for so long without any engine noise, just relying on the wind patterns and and the technical ability to manoeuvre the aircraft in such splendid patterns through the sky. It looks like it would be the most graceful aerial roller coaster ride. Mel and I were about to find out.

Obviously I didn't sleep very well the night before as I was so excited, but we got up very early to meet the taxi that was to drive us an hour and a half north west of Toronto to a small country airfield outside of a town called Arthur. We had been warned that it was going to be a busy day so it was best to get there early to get our flight cards in and be ready to go up when called.

We arrived at the airfield just after 9 am and was greeted by one of the organisers from the volunteer group called Freedom Wings. This was a program that was set up to allow people with disabilities and special needs to experience the adventure that is gliding. They also run a program for people who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and there was a soldier who was going up for his first flight after returning from duty in Afghanistan to help with his therapy.

We had only been there for 10 minutes when I got the call up to be one of the first to take off. I was presented with my freedom wings badge and taken to the aircraft. I'm going to let the video show the rest from here as there are no words that I could write to do this experience justice. Mel flew up a couple of hours after me and had an amazing experience in the sky as well. She did all of this filming as well as the stunning stills shots that we are going to have as a lasting memory for the rest of our lives.


(go to this link at Youtube if you need to see it fullscreen)