Sunday, June 26, 2011

Little Shop of Horrors

This blog post is a bit of an entree with the main serve still to come. Here are some of the photos taken of the production I was in playing the voice of Audrey II, the plant, back in June. I am actually still waiting for the DVD with the footage from the show that I will post on here as well. I thought I would put these photos up a little bit of a teaser before you get to see and hear my menacing version of the talking Dionaea muscipula (Venus fly trap).

On stage with the other half of Audrey II. 

Kirsten was the puppeteer who manipulated all four different sizes of the plant. The two smaller ones we are holding were either on a table or a window ledge which she would be underneath and have to reach her arm up and into the plant. The bigger ones she would actually be inside and use her whole body to open and close the mouth. We had to work as a team and throughout the many weeks of rehearsals we would sit together and go through our script and time everything so that she knew when to open and close the mouth depending on how I enunciated the words. It was an amazing challenge to try and keep my vocals somewhat the same show in, show out for her sake, as well as trying to feel the emotion on stage and to connect with the other actors while I was backstage in front of the microphone. Below are some photos of my little workspace.

I was lucky enough to have had a visual monitor and speaker so that I could see what was going on and get somewhat of a feel of the action on stage.

Me being swallowed by the number 3 plant. This was my favourite as it was the plant that would sing my solo song 'Feed Me'. Kirsten did such a wonderful job grooving this plant around like an Elvis with leaves.

More photos and videos to come!