Saturday, November 6, 2010

A country boy at heart

So this page is all about my love of agriculture. I am a country boy at heart and as I have such a strong connection with the family farm, this page is dedicated to my two uncles, Philip and Jamie. I thought about you guys a lot while I was traipsing up and down the many rows of Herefords and Massey’s. Mel enjoyed taking photos of the giant vegetables & cows that were immaculately groomed for showing, but I think it was the cheese sculpting and Roxy's reactions to the horses that amused her the most. The top half of these photos were taken from the CNE back in September in the bottom half are from the Winter fair only a couple of weeks ago.

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is the world’s largest indoor agricultural and international equestrian competition. Aunty Andrea you would be in your element! There were presentations and performances on stages all throughout the day and the one that I really wanted to see was the Super Dogs Spectacular, where there was a whole show of dog sports. Roxy absolutely loved watching these dogs run around like headless chickens playing games, catching frisbees, running through tunnels, weaving in and out of poles and jumping over every kind of play equipment. So, after a lot of nagging she convinced me to be enroll her into a dog agility class which we are taking every Thursday night now.